
Benefits of Tele-Therapy


Tele- therapy (also known as video therapy) has been around for quite some time. Teletherapy can be quite convenient for the client especially in todays quickly evolving world. According to The Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Kent State University (Ohio) and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio)

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The Listening Program


The Listening Program   What is The Listening Program (TLP)? TLP is an evidence based non-invasive intervention program to support improvements in brain function through acoustically modified music. This music (generally classical) is modified in order to stimulate specific parts of the ear, which then stimulates various areas of the brain in order to promote

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Thanksgiving Activity


Turkey Time!!! Thanksgiving is all about celebrating with family and friends. Take some time out this Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with your child doing this fun turkey activity. This is a great craft for kids to not only prepare for Thanksgiving, but also improve so many fine motor and speech skills! The greatest way

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Pediatric Toe-Walking: What is it and What Can We Do About it?


Pediatric Toe-Walking: What is it and What Can We Do About it? What is Pediatric Toe-Walking? Know The Facts: Toe-walking is defined as the absence or inability to obtain heel strike at initial contact and during the stance phase of the gait cycle. Variability in gait pattern during development is considered typical — (we actually

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Primitive Reflexes


Primitive Reflexes   WHAT ARE REFLEXES? “Reflexes are involuntary movements or actions. Some movements are spontaneous, occurring as part of the [person’s] usual activity. Others are responses to certain actions. Reflexes help identify normal brain and nerve activity. Some reflexes occur only in specific periods of development.” WHY DID THE REFLEXES NOT INTEGRATE? Unfortunately, there

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Early Literacy Skills: Promoting Literacy Skills at Home


Early Literacy Skills: Promoting Literacy Skills at Home Learning to read and write doesn’t start in kindergarten or first grade. Language and literacy skills begin to develop in infancy and continue to expand over the preschool years. Literacy is often defined as an individual’s ability to speak, read, and write in order to function adequately

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